QUAN Night Cream on VINYL


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Night Cream
Out Valve SEPT 1
ON VINYL – recycled cream and grey

Featuring Baddest Bitch, Believer… and four more from where they emerge!

…is the baddest bitch slapping on that night cream!

New times… new faces… new EP.
After much time passed between facials comes latest work of musical fiction NIGHT CREAM.
Quan presents Night Cream. A love letter to an innerchild moulded in the 1980s. A synthetic balm to keep your face moist and shiny through the most arduous cocktail luncheon. Some dumb impulse that draws you into a trashy affair with your best friend’s step mum. 
A familiar tingling sensation before a herpes out break. That wild freedom you get whenever you pee on a forest floor. The odd sensation of stepping onto a escalator that isn’t running.  Just one more perfectly pointless conversation to dance to.