SPOD – Superfrenz


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V102 SPODs highly anticipated maximum overdue chart busting AMAZING RIDE OF YOUR LIFE record ‘SUPERFRENDZ’ is here! Spanning over 6 home studios, a veritable museum of classic synths and 2 hard drives meltdowns.

The destruction and reconstruction process of this album has resulted in an album much more evolved, adventurous & musically involved, spanning & capturing the magic of what makes Spod, SPOD! �and also exploring the realms of epic majesty only noblemen and lordmens dare. But more than anything, it reminded SPOD of why he makes music in the first place. SPOD has extended the abilities of his studio beyond an Atari, a sampler and a drum machine which allowed him to construct an album that spans from psychedelic folk vintage synth epix about death to future metal anthems about bewbs and post hip hop noise jams about the concept of time. The instrumentation of these recordings range from game boys, video game machines, live drums, keys, piano, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass� creating at bare minimum, a record of all sorts. SPOD recorded and produced the entire record in various studios, before dealing with the genius mix works of Mirko Vogel (sekiden), cameo boy Jonboyrock on DEAD (hardons etc), and finally Shellac’s own Tom Weston mastering the record (woo!).